He Walked With God – Part 1

He Walked With God – Part 1

Genesis 5:22 -24 (KJV)

“And Enoch walked with God…And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” Genesis 5:22 -24 (KJV)

Have you ever walked to a destination with someone you love? Oftentimes there is a conversation that brings joy to both hearts. Sometimes though, there is a relaxing silence as hearts commune without words. How sweet it is to experience such companionship! If you have ever shared that oneness with someone, then you know how Enoch felt.

The Scripture above tells us the exact time when Enoch walked with God, after he had gotten his first child, Methuselah. This walk covered a period of three hundred years before God took him off the earth. Fascinating! What caused Enoch to begin walking with God?

Was the conception and birth of his son Methuselah a much-longed-for miracle, or was it particularly difficult? Did God graciously preserve Methuselah’s life? Whatever the reason, this seems to be the catalyst that brought Enoch so close to God that they walked together lovingly for three hundred years after that.

How was Enoch able to do that? First of all, He must have made time for God. We make time for God when we read and meditate on His Word, when we pray, and when we listen to His Holy Spirit. Enoch must also have obeyed God out of a place of genuine love and commitment.

Oftentimes we obey God out of a sense of duty or from a perspective of showing others how obedient we are. We need, however, to have a heart bursting with so much love and gratitude that obeying Him is as natural as breathing. As we learn more about Him, we love Him more and desire Him further.


Dear Heavenly Father, how I love You! I love You because You first loved me, and Your love is everlasting. Thank You! Order my steps in Your Word. Do not let sin have dominion over me. Help me to walk beside You in loving obedience and contentment so that, like Enoch, my heart would beat for You, Lord. Teach me Your ways, and help me walk in the path everlasting, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: Psalm 19:7-11; Psalm 119:97

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 75; Acts 13:13-41; I Kings 6; I Kings 7:1-22

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